By volume: 100 parts resin to 100 parts hardener
By weight: 100 parts resin to 90 parts hardener
The mixing ratio must be accurately followed. It is not possible to change the ratio. This will result in lower mechanical properties and the resin not drying properly. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred to ensure full homogeneity. Epoxy systems tend to heat up much faster in a pot than as a thin film. Mix only the necessary amount usable within the pot life. Mix until it is streak-free, uniform colour & consistency (usually 2-3 mins).
Apply by hand pouring or brush/roller. SuperCast® can be tinted any colour with the addition of polymer pigments available in all solid and translucent colours.
LEVEL: Ensure your piece is perfectly flat and level, otherwise the resin will run to the lowest point leaving too little resin at the corners or run of the edges. Large canvasses should be supported underneath to prevent sagging and resin pooling.
BUBBLES: Any bubbles created by hand mixing can be easily popped by using a sharp object or by passing warm air over the surface of the resin with a blowtorch or hot air dryer on slow speed settings. Do not hold closer than 30cm to your artwork otherwise you risk creating ripples and dimples in the resin finish. If you use alcohol inks DO NOT use a flame to remove bubbles, the alcohol content in the inks is flammable.
Health & Safety
Our resins are 100% synthetic, they DO NOT contain animal parts or any organic content.
No testing is done on animals whatsoever. Our resins are Vegan friendly and cruelty free.
Although our resins are formulated with the most modern and safest epoxy chemicals available, all epoxy resins are chemicals and should be managed and handled with proactive safety hygiene and responsible care.
- Always wear nitrile gloves (or use a specialist resin barrier cream)
- Wear a respirator when sanding partially cured resin
- It is advisable to work in a well ventilated room
- We advise the use of safety goggles
- Avoid skin contact (if resin gets on skin wash with plenty of soap & water)
- DO NOT eat, drink or smoke while working
- In case of eye contamination wash with plenty of water for 15 minutes and consult medical advice immediately
Adding inks/paints/mica powder/glitter to epoxy resin will change its properties. If you use alcohol inks DO NOT use a flame to remove bubbles, as alcohol is flammable.