Our products cover a whole range of applications, from industrial to the more creative arts.
Find the product you need by selecting the application you want from the categories below.
Aquariums, Zoos and Themed Environments (21)
Architectural Restoration (14)
Art and Jewellery (36)
Boat Building and Repairs (87)
Candle Making (7)
Concrete Mould Making and Casting (13)
Cosplay (6)
Encapsulation (8)
Food Applications (9)
Home Crafts and Hobbies (23)
Industrial (18)
Landscaping (36)
Lifecasting (10)
Makeup FX (16)
Medical Simulation & Orthotics/Prosthetics (13)
Model Making (14)
Mould Making and Casting (29)
Propmaking & Special Effects (38)
Prototyping & Inventing (27)
Roofing Systems (69)
Sculpture & Art Casting (27)
Surfboard Manufacture and Repair (14)
Taxidermy (11)
Woodworking (26)